The Healthy Tip Corner

Thursday, March 1, 2018

A Story From India....Priya's Day by Jeeva Raghunath


I have always loved listening and falling into the stories they weave.  

In India, the boys and I had the opportunity to fall into a few that Jeeva Raghunath told as part of the ECIS Conference in Chennai.  

On the first day, Jeeva told Priya's Day using paper as the story was revealed.  Hagan was very excited to tell me how much he enjoyed the story and I was very excited to.... 
 find Priya's Day at one of the local Indian publishers booth later in the day. 
 This story is told in two languages...Tamil, which is the official language of Chennai, and English.

As the back of the book states,

Priya's Day is a cheerful story of Priya's busy, busy she wakes up early in the morning, rolls up her mat, helps her moths and then sets off into the hills chasing butterflies.  As the story unfolds in two languages, children are invited to participate by cutting or tearing paper shapes and pasting them into the book.  
The activity book also shows how to tell the story in a more exciting way, while folding a sheet of newspaper into interesting shapes from the story. 

It is so wonderful to look into of the book and not only see the two language, but see the newspaper shapes that we walked Jeeva create as she told the story on that day too.  
Here is a video that I found of Jeeva sharing Priya's Day.  
You will find Jeeva online here.  She shares more of her stories and work. 

Our trip to India will stay in our hearts forever and the stories that Jeeva told will too. 

Thank you for showing us how passionate storytelling can make a difference in everyone and for sharing your voice, Jeeva. 

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