The Healthy Tip Corner

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Noun Project....Over 1 Million Icons For Education!

Today when I saw my friend Nancy Jo Lambert at the AASL Conference in Phoenix, she told me all about how awesome presentation she attended. 

It was from James Allen, our friend and fellow librarian, and he presented Moving Beyond the Selfie: 21st Century Photography Skills to Improve Your Instruction.  

I couldn't wait to learn more and was excited to find her blog post on Knowledge Quest about this one.  You can find the post here.

There were several things that I can't wait to try out but I started with one that has always been intriguing to me.  
It's the Noun Project!  
As the site states, the Noun Project is for creating, sharing and celebrating the World's visual language. 
Millions use the Noun Project to simplify communication, across borders and around the world. 
New icons are added daily by the creator community.  
With the Noun Project you will find an icon for absolutely everything!  
There are over 1 million icons to use royalty-free.
You can get the icons in your workflow including....
Adobe, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint and of course Google Docs and Slides, which I am super excited about!
And of course you can change the colors of the icons....
with a variety of choices and tools. 
Let me show you how it works.

I searched for a Pig.  
 It brought up 735 pig icons!
 I picked one and it gave me a few options...
to change colors, icon and two different ways to download it.
If I want to download the icon in any color, I could upgrade to Noun Pro for Education, which is $19.00 a year.  This is also the version you want to use if you are going to use it with students. 
I just love the icon I picked and downloaded.  This would be super fun to use in a project, document, greeting card, poster and so much more. 

James also shared how easy it was to add Icons by the Noun Project Add-On in Google now.
I added the add-on today.  You can learn more about it here.
It is very easy to do.  You just click on Add-ons in your Google Docs or Google Slides.  
Then search for the Icons by Noun Project and add it.  

You are set to search, find.....
and add icons to your Google Docs and Slides.  

I can think of so many ways teachers and students can use the Noun Project in documents, presentations, and...
as my friend Steve Dembo suggested tonight on Facebook, it is great for infographics too.  
 Here are several ideas for students....
and educators from the Noun Pro for Education
Check out all of the ideas on their Twitter too... @NounProject. 

Thank you James for the inspiration today....and Nancy Jo for sharing it.  

What a wonderful AASL Conference it was!  

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