The Healthy Tip Corner

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

3 Ways To Bring Learning To Life In PebbleGo With #BookSnaps!

As librarians and teachers, we are always on the lookout for learning activities that engage and excite our students.  We want them to connect to the content we are sharing and have them create their own meaning from these learning experiences in the most authentic ways.  

Well, there is something new in the world of education that does just that.
They are called #BookSnaps!  Have you heard of them?  

Tara M. Martin is the teacher behind this wonderful idea.  In fact, as a result of her teenage son using Snapchat, Tara started to think about ways to use it for education and with the books she was reading. This idea turned into #BookSnaps and today this strategy is used in education around the world.

As I read #BookSnaps...Snapping for Learning and listened to a how-to video from her blog, R.E.A.L., I thought a lot about how are students comprehend what they are reading.

As Tara shared in her video, with BookSnaps students can connect to text in a way that is personal and unique for each learner.  BookSnaps allow students to comprehend text and create meaning.  They can connect to the text and make it personal by adding background experiences and knowledge.  When this happens, the things they are learning will become even more sticky and stay within the long term memory to a greater degree.

With Booksnaps, students have their very own space to explore, express and create meaning to share with others in an unique and creative way.  And the super cool part...everyone of your students will something different to share.

Now as I thought about BookSnaps and different books to use, another idea came to mind too.

What about using PebbleGo and other eResources, such as eBooks in Capstone Interactive, to create BookSnaps too?  
You will find these awesome ideas and more on my new blog post in Capstone Community here

Enjoy and have fun creating #BookSnaps using PebbleGo with your students too! 

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