The Healthy Tip Corner

Friday, June 24, 2016

I Am Honored To Be Named Mackin's TYSL National Spokersperson...Along With Two Other Exciting Partnerships With TenMarks and ClassLink!

Mackin made three exciting announcements yesterday.
TenMarks, an Amazon company, has selected Mackin as the reseller of their math program to schools national wide.  
This math program offers so much to teachers, school and districts and is supported by technology and 1:1 personalization.
You can find out more about bringing TenMarks to your students and school on the Mackin website here
Mackin has also partnered with ClassLink, a new single sign-on connection platform.  With this partnership, users will have OneClick access to MackinVIA.

I love what this will bring to our students and teachers within MackinVIA as they will be able to sign into web resources with a single sign-in.
And now to the announcement from Mackin's TYSL Movement.

I am honored and excited to be the new National Spokesperson for TYSL.

As stated in the SLJ article,

The new Mackin-sponsored movement known as Transform Your School Library has appointed their first National Spokesperson, Shannon McClintock Miller. Miller, formerly K-12 district teacher librarian at Van Meter (IA) Community School District and an internationally recognized keynote speaker, consultant, and author, brings dedication, passion and vision to the position.
“In order to remain relevant and support the diverse learning needs of our students, libraries must continue to grow and evolve,” says Miller, who was named a 2014 Library Journal Mover and Shaker. “The exciting task of being at the forefront of this movement with Mackin and the TYSL Advocates is a revolutionary undertaking that I am beyond thrilled to be a part of.
I look forward to the continued growth and change TYSL will make within school libraries and education.  Especially within the lives of the children we touch.  

I join Marlene Woo, TYSL Managing Director, and dozens of amazing teacher librarians, teachers and administrators from around the country.  You can read more about them here
Please join TYSL and all of us in making a difference too.

You can join here.
Read the original article from School Library Journal Mackin Seals Trio of Partnerships here.

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