The Healthy Tip Corner

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Selfie Fun Found In Children's Books....Just Think What Selfies Could Bring To Your Library & Classroom Too!

In the past week I came across two children's books that have something in the stories all readers will love.  

The characters in the book are taking selfies....
selfies of themselves and their feelings, 
selfies with their family, selfies with their pets as in Candlewick's Goodnight Selfie by Scott Menchin, 
and even a selfie with Bigfoot as the boy took in Cantata Learning's On Top Of Old Smoky by Blake Hoena and illustrated by Lucy Fleming.

In both of these books, the children are having such a fun time and using technology in a wonderful, safe, and productive way.  They are capturing not only themselves, but others too...and in very special places.

When I read the stories, I thought how great it would be to use these books as a springboard and conversation for a library or classroom selfie project and initiative.  And for a real life conversation as well.

While teaching your students how to take selfies and use the technology responsibly, you could...
think about places they could take them.  Perhaps it is on a field trip or outside on a natural walk using a selfie stick like the children in this photograph.

It could be at a zoo or farm and they could take a selfie of themselves with an animal....just like in On Top of Old Smoky.  Now wouldn't that be something to remember!

They could use these selfie photos in a digital story using the Little Bird Tales app which allows them to add photographs, writing, and voice to their story.  What a fun writing activity this would be for children....listening and speaking too.
Students could take selfies of themselves to show work they have completed for projects and portfolios.

There are apps that need selfies such as Tellagami that allow students to take a picture and put themselves into the background with a talking avatar.

Teachers could also take one of their class to show a special event or project they did together.  This is a terrific way to document what is happening in your library or classroom for a newsletter or on social media to share with parents, school community, and the world.
After I read these two books, I looked for others and created a new Pinterest Board Technology in Children's Books.  You can follow it here.

The sky is the limit on how selfies could be used effectively with iPads and other devices, even their own devices.

And I can't wait to hear how you use selfies in your library and classroom too.

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