The Healthy Tip Corner

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Very Special Teacher Appreciation Week Thank You From One Of My Favorite Students....My Daughter, Brianna

Last week I received the most special teacher appreciation card.

It is from my daughter Brianna.  It means the world to me to read the words that she wrote....I love being her mom so very much.  And I loved being her teacher librarian and one of her teachers too.
To create this very special letter, Brianna used a new website created by our friends at Fablevision called Thank a Teacher
On this site, students can Thank a Teacher by putting together art, message, and border....along with a personalized message.

You can perform simple editing tasks while creating your thank you card such as flip, send to front or back, delete, and restart.  It is fun and easy to use for any age.
Once your card is created, you can download or share on Facebook and Twitter.
Make sure you include #thankateacher when sharing yours too.
I love being a teacher.  And most of all, I love being Brianna and Hagan's teacher and mom.

They have given me the very best job in the whole wide world.

I love you, Brianna.  You mean the world to me.