The Healthy Tip Corner

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Exploring Augmented Reality Through Chromville and A Fun Writing Contest

Today, the second graders and I visited our friends at Chromville.  

As I wrote about a few weeks ago, Chromville is this exciting new augmented reality world that engages our learners with a story through special coloring sheets from their website and an app that brings the characters and stories to life. 
We printed off several of the coloring sheets so the kids had lots of choices.
They used the buckets of crayons, markers, and colored pencils on the tables to color the Chromville story sheets. 
When they were finished, they grabbed an iPad and pulled up the Chromville app.  
They scanned the coloring sheet and watched the characters come to life.  
To make this work with Chromville even more exciting, the second graders are writing narratives to participate in Chromville's Narrative and Naming Contest #1.

They are so excited about writing about the little girl in Greenland from Chromville and I am excited to submit their stories this week too.  

We can't wait to see what happens in Chromville next!  

You can use the Chromville app and check make a few of our second graders pictures come to life below.

1 comment:

  1. Augmented Reality is actually amazing technology, it's like a magic.
