The Healthy Tip Corner

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Just For Our 2nd Graders New PBL Project...."Let's Celebrate Our Community" Smore Full Of Resources!

The last few days I have been meeting with our two second grade teachers, Tracy Ferguson and Melanie Smith to plan the 2nd graders new PBL project.  We are going to focus on all of the different parts of our community at Van Meter....the different people, jobs, and places.

We meet in the morning before school and will be planning out the next steps but we do know that we will be using lots of different resources such as books in the library, eBooks, databases, and websites to research all of these different pieces that make up our community.

I created the "Let's Celebrate Our Community" Smore and embedded it into the 2nd grade Symbaloo so it is all ready to go this afternoon during their library and technology time with me.  This will link them to the things they need for this project.

This is just the first step......We will tell you all about how we are going to "sell" Van Meter to everyone in another post later today. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great opportunity for a photowalk! I love projects that highlight the "specialness" of each community and its citizens.
