The Healthy Tip Corner

Friday, March 14, 2014

Excited To Join The WeVideo Ambassador Program....And To Find Out What This Collaborative Video Creation Tool Can Bring To Education

I have been a fan of WeVideo ever since I heard about it.  It is one digital tool that our students and teachers will come tell me that they have found and want to try out with a project.
WeVideo definitely engages students through digital storytelling.
It gives them the ability and tools needed to collaborate on video products and create amazing multimedia presentations.
The collaborative models shown from the WeVideo website show what this digital tool can bring to a school community.
And as you can see....WeVideo is a beautiful digital tool with so many options to really make presentations beautiful and one of a kind.  This is exciting to learners and to use a digital tool such as WeVideo definitely raises the bar for creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.

I am very excited too because today I became part of the WeVideo Ambassador program!

As part of this program, I am currently evaluating the full experience WeVideo Education Premium Package.  What a perfect time to do this while we are on spring break until March 24th.
I am especially excited to try out the WeVideo Uploader app on my iPhone while we are in Disney World for spring break.
I will be able to use this app to capture videos with my son Hagan and then put them together in a new project showcasing what WeVideo can do for our students projects too.
So stay tune everyone.

After our spring break trip,  I will share a more in depth review of the WeVideo Education Solution and the benefits it can bring to our young people....and to us.

Thank you WeVideo for giving me this opportunity to become involved in such an awesome product and to be able to share it with our community and others around the world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shan. NOT while your away but I plan to use wevideo with students this week but they haven't gotten back to me about creating Ed acct. I will tweet also. I don't see that they have a handle?
