The Healthy Tip Corner

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Exciting News.....Our Teachers and Students Will Love That We Can Get Random House eBooks and Others Now From Mackin!

My students and teachers love of the eBooks that we have within our collection.  We have hundreds of wonderful nonfiction and classic titles that have enriched the curriculum and our school community.

Over the last couple of years they have asked for more and more popular trade fiction titles.  Teachers want to add more and more titles to their book groups and classroom collections of the titles that they use within their curriculum.  Students want to read them on their own too.

During planning at the beginning of the school year, one of the titles the junior high teachers needed to order was The Watsons Go To Birmingham.  They will read this in January together as a class.
As I was reading the School Library Journal website a couple of weeks ago I was so excited to read Mackin, Random House Partner on eBooks for School Libraries.

I was also excited to see the cover of the book they featured was The Watsons Go To Birmingham! I would love to get as an eBook for our students.
I couldn't wait to go to the Mackin website and look for this title and others.  They have several publishers to order best-selling, popular trade fiction eBooks titles.
You just have to check out all of the Trade Fiction eBooks from Mackin.  I spent over a hour looking through the different publishers websites on their site yesterday.
When you click on the Random House link, you can browse several popular eBook Title Lists from them.  This is a very helpful way to be able to search all of the eBooks that Random House has....the options are amazing.

I am excited to show the teachers....and the students too.....the new options from Random House and others for eBooks that we can add to our collection at Van Meter.

Knowing that Random House and Penguin have merged, I'm hopeful that next Mackin will have many of the great and popular Penguin eBooks available for K-12 access.

It will be fun to see how these are used within the classroom and with our kids.

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