The Healthy Tip Corner

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Apps and Online Tools To Support Literacy....A Little Tool For Everyone!

Yesterday I had the honor of presenting to the Dallas County Reading Association, which is part of the Iowa Reading Association.  They asked me to talk about apps and online tools that could be used within the library and throughout the school to support literacy.  And not just literacy....but creativity, collaboration, and learning all around.

I created the presentation above in Google Sites and saved it as a PDF.  I then uploaded it into SlideSnack.  SlideSnack is one of my new favorite Web 2.0 tools.  It allows you to upload your presentation as a PDF; share and embed your SlideSnack; and the coolest can record and share a slidecast, which is voice recorded over the presentation.
I also shared the Google Doc "iPad Apps That Support Literacy" with the group.  I created this Google Doc a few months back for my SimpleK12 presentation iPad Apps To Support Literacy In The Library and Throughout The School.  Since then, people from all over the world have added to this Google Doc sharing different apps that fit into the different categories such as Reading Apps, Storybook Apps, Vocabulary Apps, and Storytelling Apps.
It was fun watching the Google Doc grow even more last night as it was being shared on Twitter and Facebook.

It is so much fun to share all of new online tools and apps with the teachers and librarians that came to Dallas County Reading....

and I love how the learning and sharing just keeps going.

It just shows us.....there is always a little tool for everyone!


  1. Great post! What a wide ranging group of tools we can use in our classroom along with our technology! As we continue to infuse technology into all aspects of our teaching, these types of literacy apps/sites become more and more important to all teachers!

    Now you need to come to a Northeast Iowa Reading Council meeting and present! :)

    Darin - @AnIowaTeacher

    1. Hi Darin,

      Thank you, friend. I love using all of these AWESOME apps and online tools with the students and teachers. Every day there is a new one it seems. :)

      Let me know when you want me to come present to the Northeast Iowa Reading Council...I will anytime.

      Have a super day, Shan

  2. Thanks for this. This next year, I'll be helping teachers form a vision for tech implementation in a school. These are the kinds of apps they need to see and try!

    Janet |
